December 11 New video of the "week". Let's step back 14 years ago: Don't Leave Me live in 1991 in England. In case you forgot or don't know, this song is from Green Day's first album, 1,039/smoothed Out Slappy Hours.
We do have a new web hosting ready, but it'll take a few more weeks before we find the time to set it up, and bring back the full site as it was in October. Please be patient, thank you. |
November 15Bullet In A Bible, the first ever official live Green Day DVD, is released today! You can download right away the entire DVD on iTunes as high quality video files. Specific songs can also be purchased separately. |
November 14We have a new web host. It says it will take from 5 to 9 days to set up the new site. I know this is such a pity those website problems arise right when the first Green Day DVD is coming out. Bullet In A Bible was already released on Friday November 11 in a few countries. We'll have detailed reviews and more. will be back, don't worry. |
November 8 Your wait is almost over. We are getting a new web hosting, and should reopen soon! |
October web site is currently down, for reasons out of our control. You are now reading this page from a temporary server. We'll be back soon with the full site, hopefully sometime next week. You can still check our Bullet In A Bible DVD info page. |
October 14The next Green Day music video - Jesus Of Suburbia - will be 14 minutes long! Read more about it on this article from Update: Video now available for download as Video of the week!
Our Bullet In A Bible DVD page received also a small update. |
October 12New Video of the week, with two songs from yesterday's live webcast from AOL Network Live: Letterbomb & Wake Me Up When September Ends. Update: The entire concert is now available on demand, directly from AOL. |
October 2 Updated the Live at Milton Keynes DVD page with many new infos, including the official movie trailer, now also as Video of the week.
A week before this DVD - on November 7, 2005 and November 8, 2005 in the US - another DVD with live Green Day content will be released. A 4-DVD box set from the Live 8 concerts last July will feature American Idiot on disc #1 (see full tracklisting). |
August 29Congratulations to Green Day for winning yesterday seven awards at the MTV VMA Ceremony in Miami! This is the first time the band is taking home so many Video Music Awards, so let's celebrate. Both awarded music videos are now available for download. Update: In collaboration with, you can now also download the three acceptance speeches (8 min 56 sec, 44.57 MB, Windows Media Video) from yesterday's ceremony as Video of the week. |
August 16New video of the week, with the brand new Wake Me Up When September Ends TV video.
We updated the Live at Milton Keynes DVD page with some new infos, including a tentative release date: November 15, 2005. |
July 23New video of the week, with Knowledge live at Milton Keynes, including the making of a band from audience members. The song is not complete neither good quality, because recorded on a digital camera, but still watchable, and gives you some kind of preview of the DVD coming out later this year! Speaking of this DVD, we added a page about it in our DVD Guide. Until it's released and a full review is available, we'll post there all infos we know about it.
We mentioned last month the Lamacq live show featuring Green Day at Milton Keynes. If you missed it, you can still download a stream (RealAudio, 45 kbps, 30 min) of the interview/documentary on BBC site. We also provide for you a downloadable version of the live songs (RealAudio, 8.8 MB, 33 kbps, 37 min).
A new Green Day forum has opened. The address is Add it to your bookmarks/favorites! Three concert reviews were also added, some with MP3 to download and very good pictures. Thanks to Danielle Millea for those. More Green Day DVD and book reviews for this website are in the works.
To end today's big update and close a story we started January 12 this year, when we featured a Welcome to Paradise music video as Video of the week, we now have the definitive answer: yes, this is the official music video for the song. Bob Sarles, who edited himself the video in 1994, tells us about his work in our FAQ page. |
July 3The full mini Green Day concert yesterday at Live 8 in Berlin is available for download as Video of the week. They performed four songs: American Idiot, Holiday, Minority and We Are The Champions. Those videos are provided by AOL Music. Update: Added the interview that followed the Live 8 concert. |
June 28 As expected, the Lamacq Live stream has been replaced by this week's show. The Green Day concert is therefore no more available for download. Green Day played the Greenfield festival last weekend in Switzerland, you can see many pictures at New video will be changed, be patient. |
June 24 60,000 people, 5 giant screens and fireworks at a Green Day concert. Wanna see how it looks like? Watch this picture from the second Milton Keynes show! Thanks to David Ramone for this shot.
To record and save the Real Audio stream from BBC Radio 1 (see previous news item), for a later listening on your computer, or for burning it on CD, you can use Net Transport (Windows platform only). The free demo version will keep asking you to register, but it's fully working. Do it before Tuesday! |
June 21If you missed the Radio 1 live stream yesterday, you can download it during the next seven days on BBC site. Here's the direct link (RealAudio stream, 33 kbps, 4 hours, total 56.5 MB). That's the full Lamacq live show. Green Day interview and documentary starts at 59:56 in the file, directly followed by the live songs at 1:29:50. Seven songs were broadcasted: American Idiot, Jesus Of Suburbia, Holiday, Basket Case, She, Wake Me Up When September Ends and Boulevard Of Broken Dreams. The full setlist is available at |
June 20 Green Day played this weekend a pair of concerts in the UK, in front of 60,000 fans. Both concerts were filmed and will be featured on a DVD later this year, the first official live Green Day DVD! According to, it will be called "Green Day Live at Milton Keynes".
Green Day will feature on British BBC Radio 1 today at 9:00 pm on Lamacq live. The direct link to the radio live stream is here. This is a 45 kbps (= 5.6 KB/sec) real audio stream, so even slow Internet connections will get it right. Don't miss it, and thanks to Paul Dyer for the info! Update: Here's an MP3 download we just recorded from the Internet stream: Billie Joe interview + American Idiot live at Milton Keynes Bowl (MP3, 5 min 28 sec, 6.3 MB).
We also received from Rachel Jackson two small videos from the first Milton Keynes concert. Those are really not good quality, especially the sound, because it was recorded on a digital camera not a camcorder. But hey, it's exclusive, and gives you a taste of what the live DVD might look like. Update: Those videos are no more available for download. |
May 29 Did you know that Mike Dirnt made a cameo appearance in a Me First and the Gimme Gimmes video? The song is I Believe I Can Fly, track 8 on the album Take a Break, released in 2003 on Fat Wreck Chords. Update for previous news item: in the US, the release date is July 4th. |
May 25An American Idiot special edition is coming out soon. Along with the normal CD album, it will contain a DVD with the Holiday and Boulevard of Broken Dreams music videos, including their respective Making Of documentary. In Germany, the release date is May 30, and you can pre-order it on Amazon. I don't know about the availability in other countries. Source: |
May 16The Wake Me Up When September Ends music video premiered yesterday on various UK TV channels. We are not publishing it here on this site until it premieres in the US. To keep you waiting, we have a few still images of the video. You'll see, it's unlike all other Green Day videos! |
April 17 All right boys and girls, here's our new Video of the week, with two songs. It's been a while since we didn't feature live concert footage... Let's watch Give Me Novacaine & She's A Rebel live in London, one of the last concert of the European American Idiot tour earlier this year. With slower Internet connections, the download time can be long, but this is exclusive stuff! |
April 2 New Video of the week, introduced by Lee Marshall: "This is Green Day performing Warning on Mad TV. This is an amazing show because it's not something you see Green Day do so often. Billie Joe is playing an acoustic guitar which is quite rare to see him do in TV appearances. So watch this video and live without warning!" |
March 22 New Video of the week, introduced by Sally Dykstra: "Well, this is Maria on Kilborn (yes, I've never really heard of this "Kilborn", but I'll just pretend I do... and I'm sure he's no match to Conan). Alright, well, be prepared, 'cause Billie has a practically shaved head, Tré looks a little similar to Woody the Woodpecker, and Mike, well... is Mike. The end, however, is definitely a true sign of Green Day. They massacre their instruments as best they can while on a tiny late night show stage... Hmm... *gives hint* I wonder if Tré plays baseball, with that bat right beside his drums." |
March 11 After the Amsterdam full concert we featured here last month, here's another chance to catch a Green Day concert from a radio on the Internet. Next Sunday March 13, at 8:00 pm UK time, Irish radio station 2FM will play at least an hour from Green Day's concert on January 31 at the Point in Dublin. The direct link to the radio live stream is here. This is a 21 kbps (= 2.6 KB/sec) real audio stream, so even slow Internet connections will get it right. A full hour will then be only 9.23 MB. The drawback is that the audio quality is not so good. If somebody from Ireland catches this radio station in good quality (like with cable radio) and can record it on his computer, then contact us after the broadcast. |
March 3You have a big collection of Green Day videos or want to build one? Then read this announcement. A community of Green Day fans is launching an IRC channel dedicated to sharing Green Day videos. While we @ aren't directly involved in this project, we encourage you to check it out! |
February 27 New Video of the week, with Holiday, Green Day's latest music video. |
February 23Added fresh scans in the Pictures section. Rolling Stone magazine's current issue, dated tomorrow, has Green Day on the cover and a 5 pages article (PDF format, 2.1 MB). And "rock sound" UK magazine also has Green Day on the cover in its current issue, dated March 2005, with a 6 pages article (PDF format, 1.7 MB). |
February 8New Video of the week, with - well, not a video this time - a full audio concert in Amsterdam, Holland. To answer a question we got many times: yes, you can burn this concert on CD, but you first need to convert the .rm file into WAV or some other suitable uncompressed sound format for audio CD. Search the web to find out more. We also updated our Picks page, with the new American Idiot tour picks. |
January 23 A Exclusive! Download four live songs from last week Green Day concert in Basel, Switzerland. Don't miss Billie Joe's intro to Holiday: "This next song is a big FUCK YOU to George W. Bush! This song's called Holiday, alright?"
Holiday (MP3, 4:28, 6.21 MB)
Brain Stew (MP3, 4:17, 5.96 MB)
She (MP3, 2:57, 4.14 MB)
Wake Me Up When September Ends (MP3, 5:10, 7.18 MB) |
January 14 Yesterday's performance of Boulevard Of Broken Dreams on TV Total - from German TV channel Pro 7 - is available in Windows Media stream at |
January 13 James Rusty has an explanation for the Welcome to Paradise video (message ID 3552 in the guestbook): It was the Lookout Records release of the version of the song that's on "Kerplunk". After they signed to Warner and put the same song on "Dookie" the band agreed w/ Lookout to never air the original video again b/c Warner would profit off of it instead of Lookout seeing as the song is now known as a "Dookie" song. |
January 12New Video of the week, with the Welcome to Paradise music video. We are not 100 % sure this is the real official music video for the song, but sure is a rare video! It wasn't released in 1994 at the same time than the CD single, and is not present on the International Supervideos! DVD compilation. We received however reports that it was on the old Reprise Records site. And thanks to Kevin Thomson for giving us this file! |
In other news, the site now offers the brand new Holiday music video for download! Recorded on Kerrang! TV, ripped by We might also in the future have this video here for download in better quality. |
January 6 Yesterday's performance of Boulevard Of Broken Dreams on The Late Show with David Letterman is available for download at |