December 22 New Video of the week with American Idiot live on the Jimmy Kimmel show. Thanks to Andrew Grayson for this file! |
December 20Green Day vs. R.E.M. is the title of the new concert review we added today. This review compares two concerts in Vancouver, Canada: Green Day on November 17 and R.E.M. on November 21. |
December 9 November 2004 issue of Rage magazine (France) has Green Day on the cover, and a 6 pages interview with Tré Cool inside. We scanned the entire article (PDF format, 2.07 MB). Oh, by the way, it's in all in French. |
December 7The new mania or the new media? We updated our American Idiot lyrics page with the corrected version. In the first verse, second line, everybody heard "the new media" when deciphering the lyrics, before the album and its lyrics booklet were released. And the majority of the websites still have this incorrect line. According to Google today, 889 have it incorrect and only 647 have it correct! |
November 24 |
November 17The winners of our Pickin' On Green Day contest have been announced. Congratulations to Graham Moore for winning the Grand prize! |
November 15 New Video of the week, with the brand new Boulevard Of Broken Dreams TV video. |
October 4It's download time! Ten videos were added on a new « American Idiot time » videos page. Included is a new Video of the week, with an interview recently recorded for Sessions @ AOL. |
October 1We are running in October a contest for the latest Green Day tribute album, be sure to check it out! |
September 27 Green Day Italia - - posted videos of today's appearance on MTV Italia TRL. There are five Windows Media Player files - and no live song, just interviews. |
September 26The band is currently in Europe promoting their new album. They were last Friday in the UK, in the Top Of The Pops show of the BBC. You can see a short excerpt of their live performance of American Idiot on (RealVideo, 30 sec). |
Tomorrow Monday, Green Day is in Milano, Italy and will appear on MTV Italia TRL from 2 to 3 PM. |
On Friday October 1st, they are performing a live show for German TV VIVA. The concert will take place in a club, the Zeche in Bochum, Germany. Needless to say all 700 tickets were sold in a few hours only, and the concert is sold out. The show will be taped and airs on October 10. Re-runs are also scheduled. |
We also added a few videos in our « 2002 online videos » page, and this live performance of American Idiot for Sessions @ AOL as video of the week. |
September 21 The album American Idiot is out today! Go out buy a copy, it's cheap. Updates on this site will also restart. We now feature as Video of the week an interview from 2000, recorded a few weeks before the release of Warning, on German TV. |
August 29Here are two concert reviews from Green Day's Friday performance at the Leeds festival: from (including photo) and from (including full setlist). |
August 22 Two last videos at the Bikini in Barcelona, Spain from our « Warning time » archive are now available as videos of the week. |
August 13Three videos at the Bikini in Barcelona, Spain from our « Warning time » archive are now available as videos of the week. A another review was also added on the Summer Sonic concert review page. |
August 8A sixth review and a few small pictures were added on the Los Angeles concert review page. I'll just cite here a short piece: "There were video cameras at last night's show, so maybe, hopefully there will be some sort of thing to come out of that footage." That's good news! |
We also added a new Summer Sonic concert review page, which contains the live photos and a translation of the Green Day page on the official festival site, plus another small concert review and photos from fans in the audience. |
August 6Four videos at the Bikini in Barcelona, Spain from our « Warning time » archive are now available as videos of the week. Guitar tabs were also added on our American Idiot and Favorite Son lyrics pages. (Thanks to Shaun Lingham for those.) |
August 5 |
MTV Japan will be taping the Green Day concert at the Summer Sonic festival, Saturday, August 7. The show will air on September 18. You will also be able to catch a few live pictures in real time on this page, but no video streaming. (Thanks to Manabu Kontani for the translation.) |
The Madden 2005 video game webpage offers an MP3 download of American Idiot. Here's the direct link (MP3 file, 1 min, 1.38 MB). The song is not full, but I think it's the best quality-wise among all files you can currently download on the net. |
August 4Added three sites in our links page. Check them out! Included is the German Warner site, who already adopted an American Idiot design. |
August 2Nine other videos from our « Warning time » archive are now available as videos of the week. We also have three more concert reviews from Los Angeles. Reading those, seems like the concert was really awesome! And remember: the single American Idiot is set to hit US radios tomorrow August 3rd! |
July 30 |
Also, an article on reports a Green Day US tour in October and November, kicking off October 19 in Ft. Worth, TX, with New Found Glory and Sugarcult as opening bands. A mini tour starting September 21, the day American Idiot hits stores, where they'll perform the album in its entirety, is reported as well! |
July 29 Wow! News are hot today. So, let's go one after another... | published the very first excerpts of the new album, with two 10 seconds MP3 snippets of American Idiot. Yes, it sounds like classic Green Day! As I can decipher them, the lyrics are: |
Don't wanna be an American idiot
Don't want a nation under the new media
Don't wanna be an American idiot
One nation controlled by the media
Information age of hysteria
This is going out to idiot America |
| published six new Green Day photos (see one here above), which I believe are from the American Idiot TV video shooting. |
Green Day is playing tonight a surprise concert in Los Angeles! Yes, today, July 29. Some kind of warm-up performance before they head off to Japan. Read more at By the way, Southern California members of the ALL AGES fanclub each got two free tickets for the show! |
If you don't have the Riding In Vans With Boys DVD, you might want to check out our links page. I'm not telling more here, go find out by yourself! |
July 27 The two St. Paul videos online since Friday are no more available for download (quota exceeded). Other videos are to come later however! |
July 23 Eleven other videos from our « Warning time » archive are now available as videos of the week. |
Reprise Records already issued some promo material for the forthcoming album American Idiot. We scanned here above two stickers in hi-resolution (click to enlarge), if you already want to play with the album logo! As you can see, the GREEN DAY logo font is similar to the last album Warning. |
A first Green Day tour date for this fall was announced: October 16-17, 2004, Voodoo Music Experience festival at the City Park in New Orleans. More at |
July 15 Six other videos from our « Warning time » archive are now available as videos of the week. |
July 7 Four other videos from our « Warning time » archive are now available as videos of the week. |
July 1 According to, American Idiot, the title track of Green Day's new album of the same name, will already be available on August 12, 2004 (42 days from today!) in the Madden 2005 video game, even before it gets radio airplay.MTV also published yesterday in an article the cover artwork for the album, here on the right. |
June 25 Three other videos from our « Warning time » archive are now available as videos of the week. |
June 14 As video of the week, we now feature 15 videos from our « Warning time » archive. Others will come later! |
June 7Green Day won 4 awards yesterday at the California Music Awards, including one for the "most downloaded song"! This song is of course I Fought the Law, that you can still get at Apple's iTunes. More at |
June 3 New video of the week, with the Ramones covers Teenage Lobotomy & Blitzkrieg Bop. This video was already featured here before, but as your webmaster currently doesn't have the time to create new videos, here are some of the old ones available again for download! |
June 1 |
May 27 |
May 17 As reported first by radio station KROQ - I think - and followed by other music and Green Day sites this weekend, the title and release date of the new Green Day album have been announced! American Idiot, September 14, 2004. |
This is serious news, here's some kind of proof I found out: the Internet domains and have been registered by Green Day's management on April 7 this year. So the title was already decided a few weeks ago. By the way, the domains and were already registered before, but and are still free to register. So if you need a cool domain name for your own site, here's your opportunity and act fast! |
May 10 New video of the week, with When I Come Around at Saturday Night Live in 1994. |
April 30 New video of the week, with Geek Stink Breath at the Saturday Night Live show back in 1994. We also added a new title in our DVD Guide: Riding In Vans With Boys. Check it out, it includes many screenshots.In other news, according to, a song from Green Day is expected on the Rock Against Bush Vol. 2 compilation. Will that be a new song? The CD Vol. 1 is already out, I've got a copy and it rocks! |
April 23 |
April 20 New video of the week, with the second part of Knowledge at the Pop Disaster Tour 2002 in Minneapolis, MN. |
April 14Ever wondered what is the meaning of the word nimrod? Check out this article, with a quick reference to Green Day. |
April 8 New video of the week, with Knowledge (part 1 of 2) at the Pop Disaster Tour 2002 in Minneapolis, MN. |
March 31A new festival has been added to Green Day's summer tour: Summer Sonic festival in Japan, August 7-8. Green Day are co-headlining with Avril Lavigne. This is no early April's Fool joke! More infos at |
March 29New video of the week, with part 2 of Hitchin' A Ride & Brain Stew at the Pop Disaster Tour 2002 in Minneapolis, MN. Also, videos from the 1,039/sOSH & Kerplunk! time are now online. |
For the first time in two years, we have new Green Day tour dates! They are: - Friday, August 27, 2004, Leeds festival, UK - Sunday, August 29, 2004, Reading festival, UK More infos at and |
March 19New video of the week, with Hitchin' A Ride & Brain Stew (part 1 of 2, with first half of Hitchin' A Ride) at the Pop Disaster Tour 2002 in Minneapolis, MN. We also have a new song on the Tabs page: King For A Day. |
According to, the new album is due late this summer or early this fall, and Green Day is currently recording 35 songs with Rob Cavallo in Los Angeles. |
March 8 New video of the week, with a last song from the Bikini in Barcelona, Spain: Good Riddance (Time of Your Life). |
February 27 New video of the week, with a Stage destruction at the Bikini in Barcelona, Spain. This is a proper one! A final song from this show is still to come next week however. I guess you know which one... |
Out Of Focus Vol. 1 - a DVD by Thick Records containing some '92-'93 Green Day footage - hit the stores this week. A review with more infos should follow in the next weeks in our DVD guide. Here's the press release: "PART 1 of the infamous OUT OF FOCUS video fanzine collection on DVD. The creation of Mike Byrne (from the Methadones) and his brother Bob -- the two filmed countless shows at McGregors, Metro, and the Fireside Bowl in Chicago throughout the 1990's, and now THICK's making the entire collection plus a mountain of bonus material available on DVD. Hours of gritty punk rock, live sets from 17 great bands, plus interviews, pranks, commentary, scene footage and more. Part 1 Features amazing footage of early Greenday, Voodoo Glow Skulls, Jawbreaker, Down By Law, and more. The OUT OF FOCUS series contains exclusive footage and impossible to find songs from the bands that rebuilt punk. The DVD comes out on February 24, 2004." |
And a happy birthday to Mr. Billie Joe Armstrong, turning 32 today! |
February 19In the Videos section, we now have a few files hosted on mirror sites. Thanks a lot to Paul C. and Tanner for those. If you also want to offer some server space, please contact us. |
February 17 New video of the week, with When I Come Around at the Bikini in Barcelona, Spain. The song is divided into 2 files. A first part available now with the actual music, and a second part coming up next week - from which is taken the above picture - where... the band means the audience the show is coming to an end! |
February 9 New video of the week, with Waiting at the Bikini in Barcelona, Spain. |
January 30 New video of the week, with Warning at the Bikini in Barcelona, Spain. The videos from the Nimrod time are no longer available for download. |
January 20 New video of the week, with the superhit Basket Case at the Bikini in Barcelona, Spain. The new edition of 1,039/smoothed Out Slappy Hours is out in exactly a week, on January 27th, 2004! |
January 16 Videos from the X Games 2002 plus from the Nimrod time are now available online for some time. |
January 12 New video of the week, with the part two of Knowledge at the Bikini in Barcelona, Spain. That's the part where a guy from the crowd gets picked up to play the guitar on stage! |
January 9The winners of our Gamits contest have been announced. Congratulations to Juan Carlos Murillo for winning the Grand prize! |