These videos require QuickTime 4 or higher to play. If you don't have version 4 or above, you'll need to install it. You can get the installer free at apple.com. |  |
Here are videos currently available for download. |
MTV Video Music Awards
The 3 Green Day receiving their award for Time Of Your Life, Best Alternative Video. - Recorded live September 10, 1998 on MTV
[1 min 31 sec, 2.7MB, QuickTime 4] |
Dominated Love Slave
Recorded live August 27, 1998 at Astoria in London, England
[2 min 45 sec, 5.1MB, QuickTime 4] |
Only Of You
Recorded live August 27, 1998 at Astoria in London, England
[2 min 49 sec, 5.2MB, QuickTime 4] |
Basket Case
Recorded live August 27, 1998 at Astoria in London, England
[3 min 40 sec, 57.1MB, QuickTime 4] |
Platypus (I Hate You)
Recorded live August 27, 1998 at Astoria in London, England
[3 min, 5.5MB, QuickTime 4] |
King For A Day
Recorded live August 27, 1998 at Astoria in London, England
[3 min 48 sec, 7.0MB, QuickTime 4] |
Hitchin' A Ride (excerpt)
Recorded live August 22, 1998 at the V98 Festival in Chelmsford, England
[36 sec, 2.0MB, QuickTime 3] |
Stage destruction by Tré Cool
Recorded live August 22, 1998 at the V98 Festival in Chelmsford, England
[35 sec, 1.8MB, QuickTime 3] |
Good Riddance (Time of Your Life) (excerpt)
Recorded live August 22, 1998 at the V98 Festival in Chelmsford, England
[36 sec, 2.0MB, QuickTime 3] |
Geek Stink Breath
Recorded live on HBO July 11, 1998 at the Edgefest, Thunderbird Stadium, Vancouver, Canada
[2 min 20 sec, 4.3MB, QuickTime 4] |
Brain Stew
Recorded live on HBO July 11, 1998 at the Edgefest, Thunderbird Stadium, Vancouver, Canada
[3 min 13 sec, 5.9MB, QuickTime 4] |
Drum set on fire
Recorded live on HBO July 11, 1998 at the Edgefest, Thunderbird Stadium, Vancouver, Canada
[3 min 09 sec, 5.8MB, QuickTime 4] |
The Grouch (uncensored)
Intro with Big Yellow Taxi - Recorded live on MTV Live from the 10 Spot April 17, 1998 at Bottom of the Hill in San Francisco, CA
[3 min 18 sec, 6.1MB, QuickTime 4] |
Geek Stink Breath (uncensored)
Recorded live on MTV Live from the 10 Spot April 17, 1998 at Bottom of the Hill in San Francisco, CA
[2 min 42 sec, 5.0MB, QuickTime 4] |
Redundant (uncensored)
Mike nose-bleeding! - Recorded live on MTV Live from the 10 Spot April 17, 1998 at Bottom of the Hill in San Francisco, CA
[4 min 38 sec, 8.6MB, QuickTime 4] |
Welcome to Paradise (excerpt)
Recorded live February 5, 1998 at the Live Music Hall in Cologne, Germany
[40 sec, 2.2MB, QuickTime 3] |
Nice Guys Finish Last (excerpt)
Recorded live February 3, 1998 at Elysée Montmartre in Paris, France
[40 sec, 2.5MB, QuickTime 3] |
Hitchin' A Ride
Recorded live February 3, 1998 at Elysée Montmartre in Paris, France
[3 min 17 sec, 7.5MB, QuickTime 4] |
Recorded live February 3, 1998 at Elysée Montmartre in Paris, France
[2 min 47 sec, 6.4MB, QuickTime 4] |
Basket Case (excerpt)
Recorded live February 3, 1998 at Elysée Montmartre in Paris, France
[35 sec, 2.0MB, QuickTime 3] |
At the Library (excerpt)
Recorded live February 1, 1998 at Astoria in London, England
[37 sec, 2.3MB, QuickTime 3] |
Take Back
Recorded live February 1, 1998 at Astoria in London, England
[1 min 16 sec, 4.2MB, QuickTime 3] |
The Grouch (excerpt)
Recorded live February 1, 1998 at Astoria in London, England
[44 sec, 2.5MB, QuickTime 3] |
Good Riddance (Time of Your Life) (excerpt)
Recorded January 30, 1998 on Top Of The Pops, British TV
[36 sec, 2.0MB, QuickTime 3] |
Recorded live on January 23, 1998 on T.F.I. Friday
[3 min 02 sec, 7.0MB, QuickTime 4] |
Recorded live November 19, 1997 at the HVM record store in Toronto, Canada; also known as "Live In The Alley" concert
[3 min 23 sec, 70.4MB, MPEG 2] |
Prosthetic Head
Recorded in November 1997 on MTV Europe
[3 min 26 sec, 7.9MB, QuickTime 4] |
Good Riddance (Time of Your Life) (excerpt)
Recorded live October 12, 1997 on The Tonight Show on NBC
[42 sec, 2.8MB, QuickTime 3] |
Nimrod promo
Music from nimrod over different excerpts of Green Day live, video clips and pictures
Clip done by me (François) in October 1997. The concert from 0:19 to 0:35 is from Sat, 03/16/96 Schleyerhalle in Stuttgart, Germany. The video size is tiny - as most videos posted on greendayvideos.com before around 2002 - but remember this one is from 1997, a time where the web had no online Green Day videos at all (except a few music videos on the MTV website).
[1 min 35 sec, 4.1MB, QuickTime 3] |
Hitchin' A Ride
Recorded live in 1997 in Japan (unknown location)
One of the first ever live performance of the song, recorded during the nimrod promo tour, on Japanese TV. The band also don't play with their usual instruments, which makes this video even more special. Billie Joe has like a red guitar, the same than on the other Hitchin' A Ride video right here below.
2 min 31 sec
28.5MB H.264 iPod/iPhone ready
Hitchin' A Ride
Recorded live on September 9, 1997 on Nulle Part Ailleurs, Canal + (French TV)
[3 min 6 sec, 7.1MB, QuickTime 4] |